
Showing posts with the label brand strategy

The CliffCentral rebrand: A branding case study

Gareth Cliff is a well-known personality in the South African media landscape. His online platform, CliffCentral, was launched in 2014 and built a dedicated audience with its mix of talk shows and podcasts. Recently, however, CliffCentral disappeared, replaced by "The Real Network." The question is, 'Why change a well-established name ten years on?' A brand is a business The core issue is that many Startup founders and small—to medium-sized company owners underestimate the power of a brand. They think a brand is just a name, and they can choose any name and just run with it—sell, sell, sell! Yet, over time, a name gets stuck and becomes associated with a business—this is when the name becomes a brand.  A brand is the most sought-after thing in business because it attracts attention. It takes years to build, and once established, it literally drives your commercial aspirations. So why just stop a brand? Cancel it? Why go from a well-known brand like CliffCentral, throw